Kraft foods’ object is to provide a work environment which is free from violence or threats of violence against individuals, groups or employees or threats against Company property. (This includes domestic violence which may occur on our property.) This policy requires that all individuals on Company premises or while representing the Company conduct themselves in a professional manner consistent with good business practices and in absolute conformity with non-violence principles and standards. Additionally, employees must be alert to, and immediately inform appropriate Company management staff of any behavior(s) or potential behavior(s), which violate or could constitute a violation of this policy.The Company strictly prohibits the use of violence or threats of violence in the workplace and views such actions very seriously. Company policy applies the same standards to non-employees. The Company will immediately investigate all incidents of violence, potential violence or threats of violence of which it becomes aware and will take appropriate action to resolve these situations.


This policy applies to all employees and locations of Kraft Foods, Inc.


Workplace Violence: A single behavior or a series of behaviors which constitute actual or potential assault, battery, harassment, intimidation, threats or similar actions, attempted destruction, or threats to Company or personal property; which occur in a Company workplace, at a Company work location or while individual is engaged in Company business.


All employees are responsible for establishing and maintaining a work environment that promotes professionalism and is free of actual or potential workplace violence. This responsibility includes being alert to situations in which workplace violence is occurring or is likely to occur, and immediately notifying the Company of any incidents or concerns.

Any individual who feels they have been the subject of workplace violence, or has identified a situation where workplace violence has or possibly could occur should bring it to the immediate attention of their supervisor, manager, department head, Human Resources or Security Department. Appropriate confidentiality will be exercised. Employees may also utilize the Philip Morris Hotline (1-800-NETWORK) if they feel it necessary.

Early involvement of Company management is critical to help ensure that reasonable precautions will be taken to eliminate or minimize any risks. The Company will involve appropriate law enforcement or other professional personnel, and/or remove individuals from Company premises as warranted. Reported incidents will be kept confidential to the extent possible in accordance with the best interests of all employees and Company security.

Violations of this policy or related policies and procedures may lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment for Company staff or termination of the services of a consultant, vendor or supplemental worker and/or their associated firm.

The Company reserves the right to report such violations to appropriate law enforcement agencies as deemed appropriate.