Disclaimer Statement

WWW.Workplaceviolence911.com makes no representation about the services or quality of such services provided by any of the Service Providers listed in the Pre-employment Screening Service Listing. Furthermore, WWW.Workplaceviolence911.com and it’s owners has no material interest or investment in the Service Providers listed in the Pre-employment Service Providers Listing. Individuals and/or companies that choose to do business with any of the Service Providers do so at their sole risk. WWW.Workplaceviolence911.com and it’s owners accepts no responsibility for any issues, errors, problems or damages with any services, business, operational matters or anything else that may arise as a result of choosing to use a Service Provider from Listing.

WWW.Workplaceviolence911.com has made every effort possible to ensure the accuracy of the information that is posted and users of the site and Pre-employment listing accept full responsibility for any decision to utilize the services of Service Providers in our listing. We strongly encourage you to verify all information directly with the Service Provider. By using the service you agree to hold WWW.Workplaceviolence911.com and it’s owners harmless from any problems, issues or damages that may occur as a result of mistakes, errors or omissions in the listing that is provided.