Cleveland State University Workplace Violence Policy

Workplace Violence Policy        June 3, 2002







Cleveland State University is committed to fostering an academic, work and living environment that promotes the achievement of its mission of teaching, research, and service.  To accomplish this goal, students, faculty and staff are expected to behave in a fashion that promotes an environment free from violence, threats of violence, intimidation, and disruptive behavior of a violent or intimidating nature.

Cleveland State University prohibits workplace violence.  Specifically, the University will not tolerate violence, threats of violence, the possession of a deadly weapon on University property, or intimidating conduct that disrupts the workplace, the academic environment or the University's ability to provide service to the public or results in fear for personal safety.

To promote an atmosphere that encourages learning and productive employment, quick responsive action will be taken if violence or the threat of violence arises.  Individuals who commit acts of workplace violence may be removed from Cleveland State University's premises and may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including, in the case of employees, termination of employment, and in the case of students, expulsion from the University.  In addition, any individual committing acts of violence may be criminally prosecuted.

Incidents of workplace violence concerning faculty should be reported to the Office of the Provost.  Incidents of workplace violence concerning staff should be reported to the Department of Human Resources Development and Labor Relations.  Incidents of workplace violence concerning students should be reported to the Department of Student Life.  Incidents may also be reported to the Cleveland State University Police Department.






Source: Cleveland State University
