Volume 6, Edition 4. April 2010

This Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:



Answer: C. Though similar, an investigative consumer report and consumer report have one distinct difference--the source of the information. Investigative consumer reports require interviews or discussions with someone about the consumer that bear on the consumer's credit, character, personal characteristics, or mode of living. While some consumer reports involve interviews with people (ie education or employment verifications), these normally will not meet the definition of an investigative consumer report if the CRA is merely verifying information provided by the applicant. Be cautious, however, when asking more than verification questions as that type of activity could turn a garden variety consumer report into an investigative consumer report.

The main difference between a consumer report and an investigative consumer report under the FCRA are:

A) there is none

B) a consumer report is done by a CRA and an investigative consumer report is done by a private investigator or someone with a PI license

C) an investigative consumer report involves interviews with friends, neighbors, etc.

D) a consumer report only involves public record data


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