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10 Professionals with the Highest Suicide Rates

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), fishing, farming and tree-felling not only were ranked among the deadliest jobs by the federal government, but workers in those occupations also have the highest suicides rates. Knowing that suicide rates vary by occupation gives employers and prevention professionals the opportunity to improve suicide prevention programs and messages. Based on the CDC’s analysis, the occupational groups with the highest suicide rates are as follows (each out of 100,000 people):

   • Farming, fishing and forestry, 84.5
   • Construction and extraction, 53.3
   • Installation, maintenance and repair, 47.9
   • Production, 34.5
   • Architecture and engineering, 32.2
   • Protective service, 30.5
   • Arts, design and entertainment, sports and media, 24.3
   • Computer and mathematical, 23.3
   • Transportation and material moving, 22.3
   • Management, 20.3

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